Why and what am I?
I do not know what ‘I’ is, but I am aware of the thinking of what is ‘I’ .
‘I’ is light, lighting up the thing that is not I, is there even a not I?
I am always present when I am aware of ‘I’, can I be non-present of I?
I observing I observing I observing I ….. a recursive function into the infinity of Is’?
I am always in this moment of the entire life of I?
I think, therefore, am I?!
When I stop thinking do I cease to exist, or do I die?!
Thinking is the premise for the existence of my I?
Who is The I?
The screen and the movie. The screen is not the movie, its a medium through which the movie is observed.
The dream and the dreamer. The dream is not the dreamer, but its the medium through which the dream is experienced.
The eye and the sight. The eye is not the sight, but it is the medium through which sight is experienced.
The mirror and the reflection. The mirror is not the reflection, but it is the medium through which the reflection is seen.
The space and the objects in space. The space is not the objects, but it is the medium through which the objects are perceived.
The water and the waves. The water is not the waves, but it is the medium through which the waves are expressed.
The fire and the flame. The fire is not the flame, but it is the medium through which the flame is created.
The observer and observed. The observed is not the observer, but the observer is the medium through which the observed is experienced.
Every medium and every expression are the same and different. I am the medium, the medium is I.
By the Oxfort dictionary, thought is “the act of thinking about or considering something”.
Thoughts, the product expressed by the medium of thinking
Thoughts, a chain of command, or being driven by its execution.
Thoughts, the software of my brain,
Thoughts, the process of my brain.
Thoughts, a pointer leading to something, something thinking.
Thoughts, come and go, it's for me to let go or hold on.
Thoughts, generated from the abyss into the light that is aware.
Thoughts, a ripple in the fabric of reality.
Thoughts, immaterial, unlocatable, undefinable, unsharable.
I am aware of itself, the only denominator of everything. I am a software engineer, I am man, I am my body, I am X yeas old, I am mother, father, son, old, hungry, thirsty, I adhere to the standard defined by others Is’,
I am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am am
I am imprisoned by Is’ until it is that I break free from myself. A self-created prison that Is me. Until I realize the prison is the medium through which im trapped and I am the prison. I is not a software engineer, I is not an identity, I is not my body, I is not hungry, I is not constrained to norms,
I is not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not
I am I am not. I am the fundamental and nonfundamental, I am the awareness that perceives myself. I myself am circular logic with myself. A strange loop. Observerving being observing being into infinitum. I am non-changing, ever present in this moment.
A scream into the abyss of recognition, of understanding of this I, an echo returns to I, saying accept the I for what it is!
Why and what I am